بایگانی برچسب: licko

Translation of a few Lickos

Licko is the haiku of South west of Iran. Similar to Haiku, they too are mostly about a moment, a sense, a feeling, an arbitrary nature. They are mood poems. The nature in this part of Iran is mostly dry.
Beside the bitter-water well
A girl in chador is asleep
I am sitting beside a dry river
Waiting for the black hair beloved
I have put on your chador
I can’t stand without you
You can’t force a friendship
From one valley to the other

I am distracting myself
You can come out collect your cloth
You are sitting beside the pool
What did I say that made you mad?


Translated from the Farsi collection edited by Mansur Alimoradi

Four “Lickos” from Kerman

In that hot noon summer
You didn’t invite me to sit.
It’s four,
My head is on the knee of the beloved.
Don’t sit so long in front of me,
People will start to doubt.
Another banner in the cemetery!
How long can we wait?
These “Lickos” are translated from:
Lickos, the Shortest Oral Poems of Iran, a research by Mansur Alimoradi, 2014
Trans: Mehdi Ganjavi
